Let's convert B.A.M. into a STEAM School K-5 or K-8 where the school theme is "Coding in the Arts" with an infusion of technology into already existing arts programs to compete with area Charter Schools.  B.A.M. already has the ability to host large events due to its full-size gym (that includes drama performance and orchestra) and track with a football field.  Furthermore, B.A.M. is the only elementary school in the LRSD and the Little Rock Charter School System with an elementary arts program, which includes orchestra, piano lab, drama, creative movement, choir, and visual arts.  It is ranked in the top 4 in low facility upgrade needs according to the Fanning-Howey with recognition for having a greater percentage of students in the ready and exceeding categories on 2018 Spring ACT Aspire.

Be sure to use the information above when you complete and submit the LRSD Community Blueprint Survey, thank you!

Click the survey link below.  After you answer a few brief questions, it will take you to a “request” for a survey, which will then be emailed to you.  The purpose of the survey request is to generate open feedback and to protect the integrity of the information that is submitted. 

Community Blueprint

Click the survey link below.  After you answer a few brief questions, it will take you to a “request” for a survey, which will then be emailed to you.  The purpose of the survey request is to generate open feedback and to protect the integrity of the information that is submitted.
The deadline for submitting your survey response is at midnight on October 5, 2018.

Comprised of parents, staff and community members, groups of Little Rock School District stakeholders will assist in evaluating criteria, prioritizing needs, and making recommendations for schools and administrative buildings as part of the District’s 5-year Community Blueprint.

Stakeholders will also have an opportunity to observe presentations from the meetings via live streaming on LRSD’s Facebook page and will be able to provide input via an online survey.  Additional updates will be posted on the District’s website:
Please click to download detailed information below about the LRSD Community Blueprint Process, why we are doing this, the agenda for the design sessions and details about the decisions before us.
Community Blueprint Design Discussion Details
Why We Are Doing This Work Now

Community Blueprint Design Discussion Details
Why We Are Doing This Work Now


Working Documents from Design Discussions
(Updates will be added following meetings)
A detailed spreadsheet about all of the schools in the district is available below:


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